Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Why Obama calls ISIS 'ISIL' & the meaning behind his bizarre Beige Suit - Exposed Agenda!

To see the “coded message” of Obama to ‘ISIL’ and the U.S. go to 10:00 minutes. This broadcast also includes:- Steven Sotloff last words prior to being decapitated- Jimmy Carter speaks at Islam Convention says Quran teaches us how to attain peace in the middle east- Obama stresses using the term ‘ISIL’ instead of ISIS, the reason why will leave you speechless- Obama beige suit touts his dictatorial reign in the U.S.and much, much, more…Evangelist Anita Fuentes Website: Breaking News Headlines @ my Facebook Page: End-Time Broadcast: End-Time Prophecy Channel – Subscribe!: up A CD and by doing so your helping the Urgent and Vital work of this end-time ministry! You Help Us Do Even More? Please Donate:

Why Obama calls ISIS "ISIL" & the meaning behind his bizarre Beige Suit - Exposed Agenda!

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