Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dr. Charles Stanley - The Great Tribulation 1/3

Dr. Charles Stanley – The Great Tribulation Pt 1 of 3Dr. Charles Stanley – The Great Tribulation Pt 2of 3.
9February 2014 Breaking News Fox News Bible prophecy and world current events


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February 2014 Breaking News Fox News Bible prophecy and world current events – Last Days End Times News prophecy updateFox News Martha MacCallum talks to Joel Rosenberg about Old Testament Bible Passages and current world eventsIsaiah 17 Prophecy Against Damascus 49 New King James Version (NKJV) 2013 Breaking News The Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for world domination LAST DAYS 2013 International military exercise Dawn Blitz on USA soil in Southern California 2013 China And Russia War exercises Japanese waters – last days end times news update September 2013 President Barack Obama Meets National Security Team on Syria September 2013 Russia said very concerned USA may respond militarily 2013 Breaking News Texas Fort Hood Terrorist found Guilty – Last days Final Hour 2013 Egypt Islamic militants kill 25 police execution style – Last Days Final Hour News 2013 Breaking News World War 3 not if but when Last days end times news prophecy update


Agenda 21 & Agenca 2030Angels & DemonsApologeticsBibleBlood MoonChristChristian BeliefsChristian WorldviewContemplative PrayerEnd TimesExistence & Nature of GodFalse TeachersGodGospelGun ControlHoly SpiritJesusLoss of NationalismMilleniumMuslim AgendaNaturalismNew CurrencyNew World OrderOther Apologetic TopicsPantheismPopulation ReductionPostmodernismRaptureSalvationScience & ChristianitySigns Of The EndSpiritism & PolytheismTemple MountTheismTranshumanism & NephilimTribulationTruth & WorldviewsU.S. In ProphecyUncategorizedWorld BankWorld CourtWorldviewsPublishDraft

10Urgent Warning!! Get Out of the East Coast of the USA!!!


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The Prophetic Word from The Holy Spirit during the 2008 Democratic race between Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton. Dr Patricia Green shares her visions and dreams which is related to end times. This is from BlogTalkRadio, Tribulation Now on June 14, 2015. Dr Green had a dream about tsunami was coming to the east coast. God warns us to get out of east coast of USA because a huge tsunami is coming. There will be famine, drought, huge hurricane in the central planes, martial law and great tribulation in the USA. Russia will invade and there will be nuclear bomb explosion. This is time to repent our sins, seek Jesus wholeheartedly.


Agenda 21 & Agenca 2030Angels & DemonsApologeticsBibleBlood MoonChristChristian BeliefsChristian WorldviewContemplative PrayerEnd TimesExistence & Nature of GodFalse TeachersGodGospelGun ControlHoly SpiritJesusLoss of NationalismMilleniumMuslim AgendaNaturalismNew CurrencyNew World OrderOther Apologetic TopicsPantheismPopulation ReductionPostmodernismRaptureSalvationScience & ChristianitySigns Of The EndSpiritism & PolytheismTemple MountTheismTranshumanism & NephilimTribulationTruth & WorldviewsU.S. In ProphecyUncategorizedWorld BankWorld CourtWorldviewsPublishDraft

11Pope Francis departs USA on night that ends Tetrad blood moons Breaking News September 27 2015


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End of Tetrad Blood Moons WHATS Next? Breaking news October 1 2015 – WHATS NEXT – Stage being set One World Religion Pope Francis leads Interfaith service Ground Zero New York USA representing all religions & speaks @ united nations One World Government United Nations meet on GLOBAL ORDER One World Currency could be China that is now in the works – Keep an Eye on Israel preparations for coming 7 year peace plan and the nations surrounding her Iran Russia Turkey ETC that are now in Syria at Israels doorstep the mass exodus of ISLAM muslims flooding the west not bringing DEMOCRACY rather SHARIA LAW – the blood moons signifies God is saying something to the human race what exactly we get to witness everyday what HE is doing and allowing and the intensity on a global scale is happening at a rapid pace – Never on u2bheavenbound channels has a statement the blood moons on a specific day will be the end – rather God is warning from the heavens on biblical events that have and will take place our creator putting the writing on the wall of heaven what HE is about to do on planet earth that involves ALL mankind – The bible the Only Truth provides all this TRUTH – God is faithful to mankind to provide all we need to know about living in these last days leading up to the pretribulation rapture and what is to take place in the second coming of Jesus Christ – all found in the bible Gods road map to the human race – in Jesus name AMEN;AMENCatholic Pope Francis departs USA on night that ends Tetrad blood moons Breaking News September 27 2015 News 2015 End times news update Breaking News 4th Blood Super Moon Lunar Eclipse September 28th 2015 Last days end times news updateBreaking News Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse April 4th 2015 – PART2 news 3rd Blood Moon April 4 2015 Solar Eclipse March 20 2015 & Sept 2015 Solar Eclipse March 20 2015 God Speaking to Mankind are you listening? The writing is on the wall (Gods Heavens – Sky – Born again Christians look up your redemption draws near) Open the bible look up bible verses on Stars Sun moon for starters – Isaiah 13:9-11, Isaiah 24:23, Joel 2:10-11, Joel 2:30-31, Joel 3:14-15, Matthew 24:29-30 Mark 13:24, Luke 21:25-27 Acts 2:20-21, Revelations 6:12-13 Revelations 8:12 – The Four Blood Moons and the Solar Eclipses fall on biblical dates that involve Israel and the world (all nations) – NASA Total Solar Eclipse of 2015 Mar 20 moons–known as “lunar eclipses”–are a sign used by God to indicate judgment of the nation of Israel. Solar eclipses are a sign for the judgments of the nations of the world. The discovery of the lunar and solar eclipses in 2014/2015 in relationship to God’s appointed Festivals in Leviticus 23 The four Blood Moon Lunar eclipses connected to God’s Festivals during 2014-2015, occur as follows: Passover (1st Feast) April 15 2014 – Feast of Tabernacles (7th Feast) October 8, 2014 Passover (1st Feast) April 4, 2015 Feast of Tabernacles (7th Feast) September 28, 2015The two Solar eclipses connected with God’s appointed times during 2014-2015, occur as follows: Adar 29/Nisan 1 (Beginning 1st Month) March 20, 2015Feast of Trumpets (Beginning of 7th Month) September 13, 2015 Solar Eclipse March 20 2015 & 3rd Blood Moon April 4 2015 Breaking News March 2015 is going to happen in Israel and the world in 2015? if but when Armageddon Final Hour Last Days News Prophecy Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days humanism Elon Musk Telsa CEO says artificial intelligence demons’s Aliens Cyborgs Trans humanism deception Demons Fallen Angels Postmodernism Emerging Emergent Church Mysticism ISLAM religion mythology Black Magic 8 2014 Breaking News 2nd lunar eclipse of four 4 Blood Moons


Agenda 21 & Agenca 2030Angels & DemonsApologeticsBibleBlood MoonChristChristian BeliefsChristian WorldviewContemplative PrayerEnd TimesExistence & Nature of GodFalse TeachersGodGospelGun ControlHoly SpiritJesusLoss of NationalismMilleniumMuslim AgendaNaturalismNew CurrencyNew World OrderOther Apologetic TopicsPantheismPopulation ReductionPostmodernismRaptureSalvationScience & ChristianitySigns Of The EndSpiritism & PolytheismTemple MountTheismTranshumanism & NephilimTribulationTruth & WorldviewsU.S. In ProphecyUncategorizedWorld BankWorld CourtWorldviewsPublishDraft

Dr. Charles Stanley - The Great Tribulation 1/3

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