Tuesday, December 29, 2015

LA Marzulli Watchers and the Cosmic War 2015

L.A. Marzulli discussed his ongoing work on the Watchers and the cosmic battle raging around us. He has been studying the amazing patterns of unfolding prophecies, along with UFOs and aliens. Marzulli believes we’re in a time of stepped up chaos that dovetails with prophecy, and the signs include increased earthquakes, wars, and pending economic collapse. Could the current situation of Russia in Syria, and the tinderbox in the Middle East be leading to the huge war described in the Ezekiel 38 and Isaiah 17 prophecies made thousands of years ago?, Marzulli pondered. Marzulli mused on the supernatural nature of the second coming, which is described in the book of Revelation– “armies of heaven riding on white horses in to the battle of Armageddon.” He also reviewed the evidence for the possible coming of Planet X, an arrival that could be one of the “fearful signs in the heavens” of biblical prophecy.

LA Marzulli Watchers and the Cosmic War 2015

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