Tuesday, December 22, 2015

US Drones Patrolling Canadian Border - More loss of sovereignty for Canadians

A CBC clip depicts more loss of Canadian sovereignty. This is all very disturbing! US predator drones patrolling US / Canada border.The gentlemen at the end stated that the US does not want terrorist coming into the US from Canada. Such as what happened on 9/11. The problem here is that the “9/11 terrorist” never came from Canada… Check out this link:http://global-economics.ca/911hijackers.htmand this one:http://azstarnet.com/news/local/border/article_ed932aa2-9d2a-54f1-b930-85f5d4cce9a8.html

US Drones Patrolling Canadian Border - More loss of sovereignty for Canadians

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