Tuesday, December 29, 2015

25 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies you can't deny

If you don’t believe in the Bible or even if you believe and have fallen (LIKE ALL OF US), read these verses and chapters and let God show you he is real and he is here to help us if we just ask him to. Daniel 12:4 (Cars/Planes/Trains & Computer) Matthew 24 (Fig Tree represents Israel and it becoming a Nation which happened in 1948 after over 2000 years of Israels nonexistence) Revelation 11 (Made possible through tv/internet/smartphones etc) isaiah 2:4 (speaking of a Global Order) Daniel 2:44  Global communications. 2Peter 3 ignorant of flood. Psalm 83 – All surrounding nations against Israel. Micah 5 – Bethlehem. Luke 21 Earthquake. Another prophecy is true. How we got the bible. Where it comes fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xxjl61DCtILeft Behind All 50 pre trib reasons debunked:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsYo7U_RWloThe Answer to 1984 is 33ADMusic by Rick Clark – Music4yourvids.co.uk

25 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies you can"t deny

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