Monday, December 28, 2015

Apostolic Apologetics: Should We Trust the Bible?

Are we able to trust the bible (Scriptures) as a reliable New Testament document? While sceptics say no, the truth shows it to be more reliable than they say it is. They claim it is filled with errors and dated copies. The evidence shows otherwise. There are over 5,000 Greek, 10,000 Latin and 5,000-10,000 other manuscripts in various languages. Why is that important? It’s more accurate. Even if we did not have the manuscripts, we have the entire New Testament preserved in the writings of the Church Fathers. Estimates show that there are over 1,000,000 quotes from the new Testament from the Church Fathers alone. Homer’s Iliad has only 1,757 manuscripts, while the Greek manuscripts are 5,800 plus. So if one is sceptical about the New Testament’s veracity, more so than the other ancient texts (or secular writings) and works done by others. But do these sceptics contest those other works? No. The New Testament is closer than either Iliad or any other ancient literature to it’s original sources. As it is 99.5% accurate while the next closet in accuracy is the Iliad at 95% in textual criticism. Their biased against the word of God because of it’s religious context. However, their claims are totally without justification as you will see in this video. Add to your faith this apologetic’s video.

Apostolic Apologetics: Should We Trust the Bible?

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