Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Terrors of the Great Tribulation, Part 1 (Luke 21:20-24) John MacArthur’s open our Bibles to Luke chapter 21, we are confronted with words from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ which open up a huge subject in regard to the future prophecy concerning end time.Now whenever you talk about the prophecies concerning the end time, you’re talking about a vast, vast theme. There are Old Testament books that sweep us into the end times, written by the prophets of old. There are New Testament messages given by our Lord that look to the end times. There are writings by the writer of the epistles in the New Testament that look to the end of the age. And then there is the massive book of Revelation which gives a series of visions that John the Apostle received while in exile on the island of Patmos that have to do with the end of human history.All of that simply to say, in a general sense, the end of human history has already been written. There are no surprises to God and there are no surprises to those who understand what God has revealed. God has given us in His Word an understanding of the end if we take the Scripture at face value. And, in fact, in Luke 21 the Lord Jesus Himself is giving a message, a sermon to His disciples on the future. And it comes at a most ironic moment….

The Terrors of the Great Tribulation, Part 1 (Luke 21:20-24) John MacArthur

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