Tuesday, December 29, 2015

ISRAEL set for -- 7 YR. Agreement, Dome of Rock Removed, 3rd TEMPLE

[*Exclusive] : Imminent End Time Events & chronology ID’d / matches Knesset & J. Post News ~ _______ *TOPICS framed in VIDEO w/ chronology: –nearing 7 Year Agreement, 1-State Solution ready, Israel’s Military super-power status, 1-Day War of Ezek 38 & 39, Dome of Rock to be demolished, 3rd TEMPLE built, Antichrist & Israel current historic negotiations, Antichrist in plain view today, Knesset & J. Post News match & confirm :: [*PM Netanyahu & all 120 members of KNESSET receive this VID & ALL prophetic VIDS/Newsletters from Heisnear.com’s global Ministry since NOV 2010] ~ — Dec 16, 2014 / J. Post : “U.N. Envoy says: 1-STATE reality is on the parties’ doorstep” :: http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/UN-Mideast-envoy-one-state-reality-is-on-the-parties-doorstep-if-dead-lock-not-broken-384873 *VIDEO narrations by Heisnear.com founder Rob Conrad :[Author 6 books, 4 on Bible Prophecies; former Church Pastor& 6 year Assoc Chaplain @ Los Angeles prison Ministry] :http://www.Heisnear.com/AntichristGuessingGameEndsHere.html *TUNE IN 10AM (et) Sun,Wed,Fri — ‘LIVE’ Broadcasts / End Time Prophecies in NEWS : http://www.Heisnear.com/MinistrySchedule.html _______ *VIDEOS at Heisnear.com’s PRIME YTube Channel, PatmosIsle : – [Exclusive] :: MASSIVE MUSLIM ATTACK across United States : NOW SET. https://youtu.be/vNQKs8jwF5A- 100% PROOF Pope Francis is ANTICHRIST :: [White Horse] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moaXuWJryu8 -POPE Francis Warns “personal relationship w/ Jesus is dangerous” : [*News]http://youtu.be/tSQfr8ikPk4- POPE FRANCIS calls for MIDEAST PEACE :: (Oct 9, 2015/*News)https://youtu.be/SPTjI1gDESM- POPE Francis to LEAD U.N. 1-World GOVT “Launching” : [in Sept 2015] http://youtu.be/EX54Wfma–s- End Time AMERICA : —RED CARPET for ANTICHRIST :: [*Sept 2015]http://youtu.be/0PrWImzn1ik- VISION of ANTICHRIST — POPE of ROME http://youtu.be/ce9GcdC9sak- POPE Publicly Verifies Global Role as Executioner of Billions : [News/July 2015]http://youtu.be/1f_8D_c_TOk- POPE calls for WORLD UNITY, Urges “Climate Control is Top MORAL Issue” (April 2015 News)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HuLHCHt0yU- SEPT 2015 : —–SIGNS of Tribulation “start”http://youtu.be/xO_Sk9CzFkY – POPE & 138 nations Agree SATANIC BOOK is ISRAEL’S Solutionhttp://youtu.be/yja3XJb6GkU -*DIRE Forewarnings: –2nd, 3rd BLOOD MOONS : [Oct ’14 / Apr ’15]http://youtu.be/JdrHL7WdYqQ -ISRAEL- Gaza conflict “WILL NOT ERUPT” into All-Out Mideast War :: [*July 14, 2014 / prophetic word]http://youtu.be/19PfjsSLD-8 -World Events 100% MATCH to Imminent Final Prophecies : [News] http://youtu.be/NJmKLPwmk0c – POPE Francis New Controversy — BILLIONS to die. http://youtu.be/bP__nMYqyjo-DOME of ROCK to be “REMOVED” for 3rd TEMPLE & Jesus’ Returnhttp://youtu.be/yHbkNqWSqn4 -VATICAN ‘Mideast Peace’ Meeting: —-*2014 DIVINE FOREWARNINGhttp://youtu.be/x7pfrOxs1Zw -ANTICHRIST & ISRAEL Talks (June 2014) — Ignite FUSE for Daniel’s 70th week http://youtu.be/KPe_Q1_u1Ew -1st BLOOD Moon (April 2014) — ANTICHRIST (May) http://youtu.be/AJYz_gScisA -Nearing TRIBULATION & 2nd BLOOD MOON (Oct 2014) PROVE Jesus’ Soon Return http://youtu.be/yobCFEYCeqU -ANTICHRIST ON WORLD STAGE :: [to Israel MAY 2014, Israel at Vatican JUNE / *News] http://youtu.be/-SsOwMGssNI -Israel KNESSET admits “Hidden Deal” ALREADY MADE w/ Vatican [*News]http://youtu.be/VBCPJaAI3y4 -The terms… ‘Antichrist & False Prophet’ …profile 1-and-SAME-MANhttp://youtu.be/YK8JdBd-gCY -RUSSIA Military & Warships poised to attack Israel : [News]http://youtu.be/CGWLPfU4IpY – INT’L Plan for VATICAN-controlled Temple Mount : [News]http://youtu.be/Ps2Wp7pucB0 – The Day the Lord showed me ANTICHRIST —-http://youtu.be/jnTwx5LprHI – ISRAEL to give POPE “Custody” of Temple Mount : [News]http://youtu.be/Qt9kEQB4ti8 – 3rd Jerusalem TEMPLE ready to be BUILT :: [News/Nov 2013]http://youtu.be/xvextfQLwNg – Israel’s KNESSET shown ANTICHRIST’s ID —-http://youtu.be/2Ay5t2-mrB4 – Prophetic word to PM Netanyahu & Knessethttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc_N_lmznCc – End Time America : —2013, 2014 FOREWARNINGShttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i85wD5RVxaI- ISRAEL’s Major Discoveries PROVE JESUS’ NEAR RETURN – Bible PROOF 1.5 BIL MUSLIMS To Die :: [Red Horse]- FALSE PROPHET of Revelation — 1 & SAME as ANTICHRIST – “Abomination of Desolation” — Rehearsals in Synagogues [News/photos]- ANTICHRIST Photo ID’d — in Jewish Temple, seated [News/photos] – ISRAEL “Dissolving” Muslim DOME of Rock — [News/photos]http://youtu.be/64KxBnDBaIY- Sir Isaac Newton ID’d ANTICHRIST _______ “When you see all these things, KNOW He is near, even right at the door.” :: [Jesus/Matt 24:33] “Be on guard…. lest that day (of the Lord) come upon you suddenly like a trap…” :: [Jesus/Luke 21:34] ::::..

ISRAEL set for -- 7 YR. Agreement, Dome of Rock Removed, 3rd TEMPLE

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