Thursday, December 31, 2015

5. Christianity vs Scientific Naturalism: William Lane Craig's rebuttal

http://www.reasonablefaith.orgTable of Contents: debate at the University of California, Santa Barbara, giving positive case for supernaturalism with a pointed critique of scientific naturalism as an adequate worldview. Related: welcome your comments in the Reasonable Faith forums:

5. Christianity vs Scientific Naturalism: William Lane Craig"s rebuttal




Dr. Charles Stanley - The Great Tribulation 1/3

Dr. Charles Stanley – The Great Tribulation Pt 1 of 3Dr. Charles Stanley – The Great Tribulation Pt 2of 3.
9February 2014 Breaking News Fox News Bible prophecy and world current events


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February 2014 Breaking News Fox News Bible prophecy and world current events – Last Days End Times News prophecy updateFox News Martha MacCallum talks to Joel Rosenberg about Old Testament Bible Passages and current world eventsIsaiah 17 Prophecy Against Damascus 49 New King James Version (NKJV) 2013 Breaking News The Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for world domination LAST DAYS 2013 International military exercise Dawn Blitz on USA soil in Southern California 2013 China And Russia War exercises Japanese waters – last days end times news update September 2013 President Barack Obama Meets National Security Team on Syria September 2013 Russia said very concerned USA may respond militarily 2013 Breaking News Texas Fort Hood Terrorist found Guilty – Last days Final Hour 2013 Egypt Islamic militants kill 25 police execution style – Last Days Final Hour News 2013 Breaking News World War 3 not if but when Last days end times news prophecy update


Agenda 21 & Agenca 2030Angels & DemonsApologeticsBibleBlood MoonChristChristian BeliefsChristian WorldviewContemplative PrayerEnd TimesExistence & Nature of GodFalse TeachersGodGospelGun ControlHoly SpiritJesusLoss of NationalismMilleniumMuslim AgendaNaturalismNew CurrencyNew World OrderOther Apologetic TopicsPantheismPopulation ReductionPostmodernismRaptureSalvationScience & ChristianitySigns Of The EndSpiritism & PolytheismTemple MountTheismTranshumanism & NephilimTribulationTruth & WorldviewsU.S. In ProphecyUncategorizedWorld BankWorld CourtWorldviewsPublishDraft

10Urgent Warning!! Get Out of the East Coast of the USA!!!


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The Prophetic Word from The Holy Spirit during the 2008 Democratic race between Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton. Dr Patricia Green shares her visions and dreams which is related to end times. This is from BlogTalkRadio, Tribulation Now on June 14, 2015. Dr Green had a dream about tsunami was coming to the east coast. God warns us to get out of east coast of USA because a huge tsunami is coming. There will be famine, drought, huge hurricane in the central planes, martial law and great tribulation in the USA. Russia will invade and there will be nuclear bomb explosion. This is time to repent our sins, seek Jesus wholeheartedly.


Agenda 21 & Agenca 2030Angels & DemonsApologeticsBibleBlood MoonChristChristian BeliefsChristian WorldviewContemplative PrayerEnd TimesExistence & Nature of GodFalse TeachersGodGospelGun ControlHoly SpiritJesusLoss of NationalismMilleniumMuslim AgendaNaturalismNew CurrencyNew World OrderOther Apologetic TopicsPantheismPopulation ReductionPostmodernismRaptureSalvationScience & ChristianitySigns Of The EndSpiritism & PolytheismTemple MountTheismTranshumanism & NephilimTribulationTruth & WorldviewsU.S. In ProphecyUncategorizedWorld BankWorld CourtWorldviewsPublishDraft

11Pope Francis departs USA on night that ends Tetrad blood moons Breaking News September 27 2015


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End of Tetrad Blood Moons WHATS Next? Breaking news October 1 2015 – WHATS NEXT – Stage being set One World Religion Pope Francis leads Interfaith service Ground Zero New York USA representing all religions & speaks @ united nations One World Government United Nations meet on GLOBAL ORDER One World Currency could be China that is now in the works – Keep an Eye on Israel preparations for coming 7 year peace plan and the nations surrounding her Iran Russia Turkey ETC that are now in Syria at Israels doorstep the mass exodus of ISLAM muslims flooding the west not bringing DEMOCRACY rather SHARIA LAW – the blood moons signifies God is saying something to the human race what exactly we get to witness everyday what HE is doing and allowing and the intensity on a global scale is happening at a rapid pace – Never on u2bheavenbound channels has a statement the blood moons on a specific day will be the end – rather God is warning from the heavens on biblical events that have and will take place our creator putting the writing on the wall of heaven what HE is about to do on planet earth that involves ALL mankind – The bible the Only Truth provides all this TRUTH – God is faithful to mankind to provide all we need to know about living in these last days leading up to the pretribulation rapture and what is to take place in the second coming of Jesus Christ – all found in the bible Gods road map to the human race – in Jesus name AMEN;AMENCatholic Pope Francis departs USA on night that ends Tetrad blood moons Breaking News September 27 2015 News 2015 End times news update Breaking News 4th Blood Super Moon Lunar Eclipse September 28th 2015 Last days end times news updateBreaking News Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse April 4th 2015 – PART2 news 3rd Blood Moon April 4 2015 Solar Eclipse March 20 2015 & Sept 2015 Solar Eclipse March 20 2015 God Speaking to Mankind are you listening? The writing is on the wall (Gods Heavens – Sky – Born again Christians look up your redemption draws near) Open the bible look up bible verses on Stars Sun moon for starters – Isaiah 13:9-11, Isaiah 24:23, Joel 2:10-11, Joel 2:30-31, Joel 3:14-15, Matthew 24:29-30 Mark 13:24, Luke 21:25-27 Acts 2:20-21, Revelations 6:12-13 Revelations 8:12 – The Four Blood Moons and the Solar Eclipses fall on biblical dates that involve Israel and the world (all nations) – NASA Total Solar Eclipse of 2015 Mar 20 moons–known as “lunar eclipses”–are a sign used by God to indicate judgment of the nation of Israel. Solar eclipses are a sign for the judgments of the nations of the world. The discovery of the lunar and solar eclipses in 2014/2015 in relationship to God’s appointed Festivals in Leviticus 23 The four Blood Moon Lunar eclipses connected to God’s Festivals during 2014-2015, occur as follows: Passover (1st Feast) April 15 2014 – Feast of Tabernacles (7th Feast) October 8, 2014 Passover (1st Feast) April 4, 2015 Feast of Tabernacles (7th Feast) September 28, 2015The two Solar eclipses connected with God’s appointed times during 2014-2015, occur as follows: Adar 29/Nisan 1 (Beginning 1st Month) March 20, 2015Feast of Trumpets (Beginning of 7th Month) September 13, 2015 Solar Eclipse March 20 2015 & 3rd Blood Moon April 4 2015 Breaking News March 2015 is going to happen in Israel and the world in 2015? if but when Armageddon Final Hour Last Days News Prophecy Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days humanism Elon Musk Telsa CEO says artificial intelligence demons’s Aliens Cyborgs Trans humanism deception Demons Fallen Angels Postmodernism Emerging Emergent Church Mysticism ISLAM religion mythology Black Magic 8 2014 Breaking News 2nd lunar eclipse of four 4 Blood Moons


Agenda 21 & Agenca 2030Angels & DemonsApologeticsBibleBlood MoonChristChristian BeliefsChristian WorldviewContemplative PrayerEnd TimesExistence & Nature of GodFalse TeachersGodGospelGun ControlHoly SpiritJesusLoss of NationalismMilleniumMuslim AgendaNaturalismNew CurrencyNew World OrderOther Apologetic TopicsPantheismPopulation ReductionPostmodernismRaptureSalvationScience & ChristianitySigns Of The EndSpiritism & PolytheismTemple MountTheismTranshumanism & NephilimTribulationTruth & WorldviewsU.S. In ProphecyUncategorizedWorld BankWorld CourtWorldviewsPublishDraft

Dr. Charles Stanley - The Great Tribulation 1/3

Fallen Angels Return:The Hollywood Agenda/hybrids/giants/transhumanism/apocalypse

WARNING: If you have a weak heart, do NOT watch this video.

Fallen Angels Return:The Hollywood Agenda/hybrids/giants/transhumanism/apocalypse

Pre Tribulation Rapture 2 of 2 Chuck Missler Last Days Final Hour

Pre Tribulation Rapture Of The Church 2 of 2 – Chuck Missler Final Hour Last Days end times news prophecy update1 of 2 6 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon means that all Born Again Christians (dead and alive) in the bible John 3:3 Jesus speaking on being born again to go to heaven. (Are you born again?) will be taken bodily up to Heaven (called the Rapture meaning caught up in the air 1 Thessalonians 4;17) before the Tribulation begins. Every Born Again Christian that has ever existed throughout the course of the entire Christian era will be instantaneously transformed into a perfect resurrected body, and will thus escape the trials of the Tribulation. Those who become Christians after the rapture will live through (or perish during) the Tribulation. After the Tribulation, Christ will return to establish His Millennial Kingdom.The signs of the times make it clear we are in the last days events happening now in the middle east leading up to the main biblical event the 7 year tribulation.Matthew 24:21 – For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. In the last days, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Russia and a few other Middle East countries will form an alliance and attack Israel (Ezekiel 38 & 39). Most of these countries are already allied together. so the pre-tribulation rapture could happen any day and then the 7 year period tribulation will begin.The Rapture is a term in Christian eschatology which refers to the “being caught up” discussed in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, when the “dead in Christ” and “we who are alive and remain” will be “caught up in the clouds” to meet “the Lord in the air”. This happens before the 7 year tribulation explained in the bible of God’s wrath on mankind for rejecting Jesus is God and not choosing to be born again as mentioned the words of Jesus John 3:3The term “Pre Tribulation Rapture” Means a group of people will be left behind on earth after another group literally leaves “to meet the Lord in the air.” This is now the most common use of the term, especially among fundamentalist Christians. More teachings by Chuck Missler “Chuck” Missler is an author, evangelical Christian, Bible teacher, former businessman and US Air Force officer. He is the founder of the Koinonia House ministry based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.Missler was for several years the chairman, the chief executive, and the largest shareholder of Western Digital. In 1983 he became the chairman and chief executive of Helionetics Inc., another technology company. After teaching for many years at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Missler moved to Coeur d’Alene in 1992 and founded Koinonia House. Through this organization, Missler distributes a monthly newsletter, Bible study tapes, and a radio show, and speaks at conferences.Missler is a prominent speaker on the subject of bible prophecy. Missler has had numerous programs aired on the Christian television station GOD TV, namely the DVD versions of his biblical studies “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours”, “The Book of Revelation”, “The Book of Genesis”, and “The Book of Daniel. A YouTube video in which Missler uses a jar of peanut butter to attempt to disprove evolution attracted media attention in 2007-2008.Books2002 Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Pub: Nelson Books 2006 Prophecy 20/20: Profiling the Future Through the Lens of Scripture Pub: Thomas Nelson Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind the UFO Phenomenon. Koinonia House. 2003. ISBN Eastman, Mark, & Missler, Chuck (1995). The Creator: Beyond Time & Space. Word For Today. Cosmic Codes: Hidden Messages From the Edge of Eternity. Koinonia House. 2004. Hidden Treasures in the Biblical Text. Koinonia House. 2000. Missler, Chuck and Nancy Missler (2012). The Kingdom, Power, & Glory: The Overcomer’s Handbook. The King’s High Way Ministries. Missler, Chuck and Nancy Missler (2004). Why Should I Be the First to Change?: The Key to a Loving Marriage. Koinonia House.

Pre Tribulation Rapture 2 of 2 Chuck Missler Last Days Final Hour


WWW.TRUNEWS.COMTRUNEWS WITH RICK WILES (TRUNEWS Radio Broadcast)SPECIAL GUESTS: MENA LEE GREBIN – PART 1 interrupts the regular newscast for a two-part interview with Mena Lee Grebin, a Charlotte NC prophetic minister, who was given a series of dreams and visions about a massive economic collapse, martial law, and riots. She believes great trouble will start in September 2015. Part 2 will be broadcast tomorrow. MENA LEE GREBINWEBSITE: LINKEDIN: Lee Grebin was born and raised Chicago, Illinois, living in several places such as Arvada, Colorado and Houston, Texas. After years of running from the Lord and her calling, she finally surrendered and sold out to the Lord in 2005. In the fall of 2007, the Lord called her out of her “comfort zone” and relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina where He has used her for the last seven years in touching the lives of people who were in need of deliverance, forgiveness and healing.In 2012, Faithful Walk Healing Ministries became an interstate ministry as people around the country began to connect with her via special events and through her Bible study phone conferences. In 2014, she went international via Skype and the opportunity to broadcast Bible studies live through internet radio.She operates in the office of a prophet, and ministers, counsels, mentors and prays for anyone who is in need of Christ’s eternal love. Her purpose is to bring the truth and light of Jesus Christ to a lost generation.****Help support this ministry by sharing this message with friends, and by your faithful prayer and financial support. Please write: TRUNEWS c/o FLOWING STREAMS PO BOX 690069 VERO BEACH FL 32969 Phone 772-569-8880 email: or visit us online at Listen to the most current TRUNEWS broadcasts: a local or shortwave station that carries TRUNEWS on our AFFILIATES PAGECheck out our latest videos and classic radio broadcasts on our YOUTUBE CHANNELHave a smartphone? Get the latest news and program content on THE TRUNEWS MOBILE APP Read and subscribe to the NEW daily online prophecy newspaper ENDTIMES HEADLINES Like David vs. Goliath, Rick Wiles is a citizen reporter who decided to take on the Big News Media. Starting with a $7,500 donation in May 1999 to launch the first radio program, Rick’s faith in God and steadfast determination has overseen the growth and development of TRUNEWS into an internationally recognized source of credible news and information in a world where nothing seems to make sense anymore. Rick’s professional career was in media marketing and advertising sales. Throughout his early years, God’s hand silently guided him to be in employed in the latest new media. While in his early 20’s, Rick’s first media job was with a new FM radio station in the days when AM was still king. In 1980, he blazed a path as a pioneer in local cable television advertising when CNN and ESPN were new start-up channels on cable TV. As a sales manager, he launched one of the first cable advertising interconnects in the nation. He was hired in 1984 by the Christian Broadcasting Network as the first National Cable Marketing Manager for the new CBN Cable Network which later became the Family Channel. In 1995, Paul F. Crouch hired Rick as the Marketing Director for Trinity Broadcasting Network where Rick repositioned the TBN brand inside the cable industry – and played an important role in negotiating the early contracts to launch TBN on DirecTV, DISH, and the former PrimeStar DBS systems. Rick resigned from TBN in September 1998 after receiving a dramatic call from God to fulltime ministry.Read more at… TRUNEWS iTunes TRUNEWS BlogTalkRadio TRUNEWS Twitter TRUNEWS Facebook TRUNEWS on Facebook: on Twitter: on Google Plus: on Spreaker: on SoundCloud: on BlogTalkRadio: revelation bible prophecy bible christian news endtimes apocalypsereligion conspiracy reformation revival repentance renewal intercessionprayer conversion prophet watchman “rick wiles”


L.A. Marzulli: The Supernatural and the Alien Gospel

Once you dive headfirst into the UFO phenomenon, you come to realize you are dealing with a very dark force, completely unrelated to ET or benevolent aliens. Gary Stearman and L.A. Marzulli discuss this phenomenon and other supernatural elements that the church ignores. http://www.prophecywatchers.com

L.A. Marzulli: The Supernatural and the Alien Gospel

Steve Quayle WW3 USA Invasion & Fall Of The West Coming Dave Hodges

Dave Hodges Common Sense Show Hagmann and Hagmann ShowInvasion Of The USA by Steve Quayle And Dave Hodges About Steve Quayle Websites Books Stephen Quayle™ is a nationally known radio host (Survi…This is a MUST HEAR interview with Dave Hodges, College Professor, Journalist and Truth Teller from We discuss the multiple possible …Talked about Guns for a bit and How Brian Trains – The flooding in Colorado – Invasion in America – -I inserted two things I heard on the local Radio here in…FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY – NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED Originally Published on Jun 9, 2014 This is a MUST HEAR interview with Dave Hodges, Colleg…Full interview with Steve Quayle and StanInvasion Of The USA by Steve Quayle And Dave HodgesInvasion Of The USA by Steve Quayle And Dave Hodges

Steve Quayle WW3 USA Invasion & Fall Of The West Coming Dave Hodges

Spiritual Formation: Prominent Seventh-day Adventists Speak Out Against Spiritual Formation for a revival the right way! Spiritual formation or contemplative prayer and such like are NOT the Omega Apostasy!These are evil ‘fruits’ of the Omega Apostasy. Join us to learn more….

Spiritual Formation: Prominent Seventh-day Adventists Speak Out Against Spiritual Formation


The escalation of violence in Paris shows the need for countries to band together. us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: Alex on TWITTER – Alex on FACEBOOK – on G+ – and share your login with 20 friends:***Get the Best Patriot Made Firearms on the Market** *proud sponsor of Infowars.comVisit to get the products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation.[] Living Defense™[] Deep Cleanse™[] Knockout™[] Brain Force™[] Liver Shield™[] ProstaGuard™[] Child Ease™[] WinterSunD3™[] Ancient Defense™[] Secret-12™[] Oxy Powder™[] Occu Power™[] DNA Force™ [] X2 Survival Shield™[] Super Female Vitality™[] Lung Cleanse™[] Silver-Bullet – Colloidal Silver™[] Super Male Vitality™ [] Survival Shield – Nascent Iodine™ [] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™ [] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™ All available at – HEALTH – START GETTING HEALTHY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE – Sign up / Infowars Underground Insider :


World Bank Makes a Terrifying Announcement That Will Rattle You To The Very Core

Here’s the link that goes with the post: More Information See: Biometrics Global Identity- Bank- Bank Report (pdf file)- Development (Agenda 2030) – to My Website at: Me on Facebook/Seen/Twitter/Google Plus:

World Bank Makes a Terrifying Announcement That Will Rattle You To The Very Core

New World Currency Backed By Gold Revealed

As many are increasingly coming to terms with the ‘obvious failure of fiat currency’, the inevitavble question arises “what next?” Earlier this year, we discussed the possibility of a Chinese- or Russian-currency backed by gold, amid the increasing calls (domestically and abroad) for an end to USD Reserve hegemony; but this weekend, as Bloomberg reports, Lord Meghnad Desai, chairman of The Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, stated that IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDR) should contain some gold to help stabilize the currency.** us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: Alex on TWITTER – Alex on FACEBOOK – on G+ – and share your login with 20 friends:***Get the Best Patriot Made Firearms on the Market** *proud sponsor of**SAVE AMERICA UPSIDE DOWN FLAG T-SHIRT** [Limited Edition] Get yours today: to get the products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation.[] Brain Force™[] Liver Shield™[] ProstaGuard™[] Child Ease™[] WinterSunD3™[] Ancient Defense™[] Secret-12™[] Oxy Powder™[] Occu Power™[] DNA Force™ [] X2 Survival Shield™[] Super Female Vitality™[] Lung Cleanse™[] Silver-Bullet – Colloidal Silver™[] Fluoride Shield™ [] Super Male Vitality™ [] Survival Shield – Nascent Iodine™ [] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™ [] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™ All available at – HEALTH – START GETTING HEALTHY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE – Sign up / Infowars Underground Insider :

New World Currency Backed By Gold Revealed

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in Perspective

Few are aware that NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) has rendered us uncompetitive in the world economy, has destroyed our industrial base, caused us to outsource most of our production, and killed most of our manufacturing jobs.When NAFTA was passed, many people feared the worst. The results have indeed been disastrous. On the basis of the one-sided disastrous results over the past 20 years, whoever advocated NAFTA seems to be either grossly negligent of their duty of representing their constituents or is simply working contrary to the best interest of this country.Learn more, log into daily.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in Perspective

BREAKING! Claim: Obama Hid His Gay Life To Become President! Documented Report

Visit the DREAMER movie site: Jerome Corsi’s original story ( Carl Gallups (narrator) every Friday – 1330 WEBY AM – Gulf Coast Talk RadioFreedom Friday With Carl Gallups LISTEN LIVE ON THE NET or YOUR SMART PHONE! LINKS=======GET THE BOOK HERE! CARL GALLUPS MINISTRY MATERIAL TO BE SAVED TO KNOW IF YOU ARE IN A CULT QUESTIONS OR GET HELP WITH SALVATION – Click the EMAIL LINK MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith – Carl Gallups MAN – PROMO VIDEO – 1 and 1/2 minutes long MAN – FACEBOOK PAGE – LIKE US for Free Books! MAN YOUTUBE CHANNEL – SUB US for free books! EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK HERE!

BREAKING! Claim: Obama Hid His Gay Life To Become President! Documented Report

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

'Dollar valueless, about to crash' - World Bank whistleblower

The US government shutdown – a temporary ailment or a symptom of a grave disease? Are the Republicans right in their move to block Obamacare spending? Who gains from the shutdown turmoil? Do the politicians care about their citizens? Our guest comes from the very heart of the banking system: Karen Hudes was World Bank lawyer when she blew the whistle on major corruption cases in the system and was fired as a result.For FULL TRANSCRIPT of the interview click here: RT LIVE to RT! us on Facebook us on Twitter us on Instagram us on Google+ (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.

"Dollar valueless, about to crash" - World Bank whistleblower

The Terrors of the Great Tribulation, Part 2 (Luke 21:20-24) John MacArthur’s open our Bibles to Luke chapter 21…Luke chapter 21. This, of course, is the chapter in which Luke records our Lord’s instruction regarding His return. This is Jesus own teaching on His Second Coming, the great culmination of human history, the end of the age, the return of Christ in glory to judge the ungodly and to establish His glorious Kingdom on earth for a thousand years after which this entire universe as we know it is destroyed and replaced by the new heavens and the new earth, the eternal dwelling place of the holy and those made righteous in Christ.The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, of course, is the next great event in the work of Christ. He is currently in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father, reigning over His spiritual Kingdom of those who belong to Him through faith in the gospel. He is their great High Priest. Whoever lives to make intercession for them, He secures them unto eternal glory, He hears and answers their prayers and gives them all things consistent with His will and His promise. But He is coming back….

The Terrors of the Great Tribulation, Part 2 (Luke 21:20-24) John MacArthur

"Armageddon" - 2015 - 2016 End of Days, Tribulations, 4 Blood Moons, World War 3

Since the dawn of humanity, countless cultures around the world have held prophecies and tales foretelling a time when an epic final battle between the forces of light and dark, would destroy the earth; and where the victorious forces would be given the power to become the rulers over a new reality. And though to many, this battle may seem like the legendary stuff of stories, there are those who believe, that the final battle is upon us, and that Armageddon has indeed begun. However, it is essential here to understand that contrary to popular belief, Armageddon is not a battle that can be fought and won on the battlefields of Man, but rather, the true Armageddon, is a war that can only be won… within.

"Armageddon" - 2015 - 2016 End of Days, Tribulations, 4 Blood Moons, World War 3

The United States In Bible Prophecy Bible scholars will say the United States is not to be found in Bible Prophecy. That is as far from the truth as possible. The US in center stage in Bible prophecy. Bible Prophecy is a warning message from God. Every American should be interested in hearing what God has to say about the USA. “The United States In Bible Prophecy” is a study of 30 biblical texts that reveal the identity of Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18. This video further shows how the United States has fulfilled all these descriptions. Lastly, this video tells you what God expects from those who want to respond to his warning. You need to see this video. You can download the video from my website. The link is above.

The United States In Bible Prophecy

Transhumanism knocking on your door

Uploading Consciousness & Digital Immortality | Interview with Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku My comment:Listening to that guy alone can make you sick. Listen also what he say about Fukushima and the Government.Can we stop them? Yes we could…SiNeh~The original video you find at: Published on 29 Mar 2014Breaking the Set’s Manuel Rapalo speaks with theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku, about his latest book ‘The Future of the Mind’ discussing a the how realistic it would be to digitally upload memories and consciousness, and why we’re living in the ‘Golden Age’ of studying the human mind.

Transhumanism knocking on your door


Make sure to watch in HDsubscribe also to my back up channel: me on Facebook: subscribe, share and like!Stay tuned for more upcoming devastating events here on my channel.About the video / Community guidelines:These footages are NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. ANGEL OF APOCALYPSE is a channel where we strive to show people the videos that has been left out of the main-stream media. End time eventsFAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phono-records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.”End time events” “signs of the end” “jesus return” prophecy prediction bible “biblical events” “natural disaster” “extreme weather” hurricane flood storm blizzard hail earthquake volcano tornado typhoon obama nwo illuminati antichrist tribulation revelation rapture “the end” “biblical storm” exodus, Jason A , Fidockave213 planet x nibiru paul begley, anita fuentes, seventhvial213WARNING 2015-2016: PROPHETIC EVENTS COMING SOON (Are You Ready?)Illuminati Warning: The PROOF is now here in 2015 (History-Changing Event for the Future?)


How ISIS Threatens the World

Acts of barbarism by ISIS have shocked and horrified the world over and only reinforced fears that those seeking to cement the Caliphate are a force that cannot be stopped or negotiated with. Robert Fisk, Middle East correspondent for “The Independent,” gives The Agenda his perspective on who’s really under threat from ISIS.

How ISIS Threatens the World

David Jeremiah - What On Earth Is The Millennium?

David Jeremiah - What On Earth Is The Millennium?

Kurt Russell Schools Reporter On Gun Control

Snake Plissken is right. Terrorists want to kill us, and all the laws in the world aren’t going to stop them. I don’t know what the solution is, but I do know it isn’t rendering law-abiding Americans defenseless while contravening the Second Amendment.As for “If they’re too dangerous to fly, they’re too dangerous to own a gun”: Then why aren’t they in jail? And why weren’t these terrorists on the no-fly list to begin with? And how come the legislation in question doesn’t even use the no-fly list?Read more: us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: Alex on TWITTER – Alex on FACEBOOK – on G+ – and share your login with 20 friends:***Get the Best Patriot Made Firearms on the Market** *proud sponsor of Infowars.comVisit to get the products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation.[] Living Defense™[] Deep Cleanse™[] Knockout™[] Brain Force™[] Liver Shield™[] ProstaGuard™[] Child Ease™[] WinterSunD3™[] Ancient Defense™[] Secret-12™[] Oxy Powder™[] Occu Power™[] DNA Force™ [] X2 Survival Shield™[] Super Female Vitality™[] Lung Cleanse™[] Silver-Bullet – Colloidal Silver™[] Super Male Vitality™ [] Survival Shield – Nascent Iodine™ [] Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffee™ [] Immune Support 100% Organic Coffee™ All available at – HEALTH – START GETTING HEALTHY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE – Sign up / Infowars Underground Insider :

Kurt Russell Schools Reporter On Gun Control

FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel | Justin Peters/SO4J-TV

★From SO4J-TV ( “So many churches these days Preach a: Worldly Man-centered pragmatic Shallow “gospel” that is focused merely on this life,& is CONTRARY to God’s Word VS the TRUE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ which is about the Good News of “REPENTANCE & FAITH in JESUS.” (Mark 1:15). So many professing Christians lack Biblical Discernment as well. ★Professing Christians should be diligently SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY (Acts 17:11),& BE DISCERNING & COMPARE what you are HEARING— from these False Teachers (&anyone, including us) along w/their False Prophecies (that are Mixed w/Truth in their Sermons),& Compare it w/God’s Word. Remember too, it’s not always what False Teachers say, it’s what they DON’T say. MANY seem to ONLY want to talk about “God’s Love” (along w/their: Money-talk,&/or Self-Esteem,or Pragmatic people-pleasing talk,&more)– they are NOT at all preaching like: Jesus, Paul, Peter, etc. did when they would warn people & talk about: Sin, Hell, the Coming Judgment, etc (John 16:8). Love is NOT merely giving people what they want, Love Warns too of Danger, which is also what this video aims to do. ★This video is a resource that we, SO4J-TV, produced w/ JUSTIN PETERS: “CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER” aka: “A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT” DVD (7 Hours, 2 DVDs) which ends w/the true Gospel. This is a Fair Biblical Critique of the Word of Faith/Prosperity gospel/Charismatic movement. Justin’s teaches his excellent biblical eye-opening Seminar around the World that Exposes the Deceptions of the Health & Wealth Prosperity gospel.★”JUDGING- SHOULD CHRISTIANS JUDGE?” excerpt above and below By Martha Mac ©SO4J-TV® “We are NOT to Judge a person’s MOTIVES (Matt 7:1), but we ARE to Judge a Fellow Believer’s & Teachers: FRUIT / ACTIONS (Matt 7:15-20, John 7:24,1 Cor 5:12-13, 6:1-20,1John 4:1); to make sure they’re NOT Teaching CONTRARY to GOD’S WORD, and that the ESSENTIAL CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE is CORRECT, for the Protection of Gods People, His Sheep (John 10). If a certain Bible Teacher continually Teaches error (re: Essential Christian Doctrine,etc) after they, the the Bible Teacher or Professing Christian, has been warned by the Body of Christ of this Error— it would be very UNLOVING & BIBLICALLY INCORRECT if we, God’s People, didn’t lovingly WARN other FELLOW believers in Christ (like Jesus, Peter, Paul, etc.) of these BIBLICAL ERRORS. We are to WARN others out of LOVE for the TRUTH (Eph 4:15, Jude 1:1-4) & for the ETERNAL SAFETY of God’s People, His Flock (Acts20:28-32,1 Pet5:2-4, John 10). We Warn others of the DANGERS of these Teachings &/or False Teachers who are TEACH things that are CONTRARY to God’s Word— those who are keeping people Focused on this Life, on the BROAD PATH leading to Destruction (Hell) w/their: Vague Watered-Down-gospel of Half-truths, etc. It does NOT matter what the INTENTIONS or MOTIVES of these Ministers are either i.e. A False Teacher might be a WELL MEANING PERSON, who’s Agenda might NOT be out to Intentionally hurt God’s People. In fact they might believe 1000% that they are doing God’s Work. But whether they’re out to Deceive people on Purpose or Not, it doesn’t matter, as this False Teacher might be a Victim of Satan’s Lies himself— being that he is DUPED & DECEIVED! And there are many Ministers who are NOT doing what God’s Word Exhorts them to do and that is to GUARD the SHEEP (God’s People, His Flock) that has been ENTRUSTED to THEM. (Acts 20:28-32, 1Tim 6:20-21, 1 Pet 5:2-4). We are to Warn and/or Lovingly Correct any Bible Teachers out there who are saying things that are CONTRARY to God’s Word. Acts20:26-32; Gal1:6-9; 2 Tim2:17-18, Eph5:11, Ezek3:17-19. We should be VIGILANT & DISCIPLINED in our STUDY of GOD’s WORD (1Tim 2:15) to be constantly SEARCHING & “EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES” (Acts17:11) closely to see if what we ourselves &/or a Bible Teacher is saying is TRUTH or not— OR is it TWISTING of the SCRIPTURE (whether deliberately or not)..If a Preacher is NOT Correctly Teaching Essential Christian Doctrine & is merely keeping people focused on this Life & on the Broad Path to Hell, OR they’re Prophesying Falsely (Deut13:1-18, Deut18:20-22), we are to “MARK THEM” (NAME NAMES of Deceivers,of which Paul did 8 TIMES in 2nd Tim” (Rom16:17-18,Titus 1:10-14,1John 4:1, 1Cor14:29,1Thess5:21,John 7:24) ★MORE ► OR ► ► ► ★Video & Graphics by ©SO4J-TV® 2015 by Rick Wagner & Martha Mac ★Video is COPYRIGHTED By ©Justin Peters Min & ©SO4J-TV® . Please do NOT Rip/Steal this video or upload any of Justin Peters Seminars on social media & more which is COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Instead Support these Gospel Efforts by sharing these videos from our channel. ★Keep Looking UP!^(Col 3:1-4) #SO4J #SoldOutForJesus

FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel | Justin Peters/SO4J-TV

Contemplative Prayer Exposed

Contemplative Prayer Exposed

Contemplative Prayer Exposed

Super Blood Moon 4K: The Most Beautiful Eclipse You'll Ever See

For all of you who were unable to view the historic September 27th Super Blood Moon. Now you can revel in the full cycle filmed in stunning 4K.This rare alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth won’t happen again until 2033. With all the terrible things going on in the world today, we can sit back and admire the exquisite beauty of these celestial bodies.Like us on Facebook: by Epidemic Sound (

Super Blood Moon 4K: The Most Beautiful Eclipse You"ll Ever See


Shock photos in the newspaper that prove with 100% accuracy that the construction of the wildlands project and controlled cities is underway.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

What is Salvation | God Help Me | Assurance of Salvation | Prayer of Salvation

What is Salvation | God Help Me | Assurance of Salvation | Prayer of SalvationThe Bible teaches that all humans are born in a sinful state. Jesus taught that all mankind must be born again. The process of being born again takes place when we receive Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour. We are reborn of the Spirit of God (Jehovah) and His Son Jesus Christ, who came to earth (as God), but in the form of a man to liberate humanity from the destructive power of sin. The Bible teaches that the penalty for our sins is death. This does not mean physical death, but eternal separation from God’s presence in hell. John 3:16 says that God loved the world (His creation) so much that he sent his only son Jesus to die for the sins of humanity. God does not desire that any should perish but that all should come to a knowledge of salvation through faith in his son Jesus Christ. Salvation cannot be earned and is gift which is freely available to anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord and saviour.Visit PropheticAlert

What is Salvation | God Help Me | Assurance of Salvation | Prayer of Salvation

A.W. Tozer Sermon - Who is the Holy Spirit? How can we Know Him?

A large video collection of classic hymns, contemporary Praise and Worship songs, and the works (audio books, devotional readings, and sermons) of men greatly used of God, such as: Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, A.W. Pink, John Owen, Oswald Chambers, Andrew Murray, E.M. Bounds, John Bunyan, George Whitefield, and many more, covering topics on many aspects of the Christian life. May your time spent here be blessed. Tozer playlist: Tozer – Who is the Holy Spirit? How can we Know Him?If you have read or heard classic “deeper life” Christian authors and/or preachers, i.e. Watchman Nee, Andrew Murray, A.B. Simpson, Leonard Ravenhill, then you will quite likely find this sermon by A.W. Tozer very edifying. May you be blessed.Hailing from a tiny farming community in western Pennsylvania, his conversion was as a teenager in Akron, Ohio. While on his way home from work at a tire company, he overheard a street preacher say: “If you don’t know how to be saved… just call on God.” Upon returning home, he climbed into the attic and heeded the preachers advice.In 1919, five years after his conversion, and without formal theological training, Tozer accepted an offer to pastor his first church. This began 44 years of ministry, associated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), a Protestant evangelical denomination; 33 of those years were served as a pastor in a number of churches. His first pastorate was in a small storefront church in Nutter Fort, West Virginia. Tozer also served as pastor for 30 years at Southside Alliance Church, in Chicago (1928 to 1959), and the final years of his life were spent as pastor of Avenue Road Church, in Toronto, Canada. In observing contemporary Christian living, he felt that the church was on a dangerous course toward compromising with “worldly” concerns.In 1950, Tozer received an honorary Doctor of Letters degree from Wheaton College. It was May 1950, when Tozer was elected editor of the Alliance Weekly magazine, now called, Alliance Life, the official publication of the C&MA. From his first editorial, dated June 3, 1950, he wrote, “It will cost something to walk slow in the parade of the ages, while excited men of time rush about confusing motion with progress. But it will pay in the long run and the true Christian is not much interested in anything short of that.” In 1952, he received an LL.D. degree from Houghton College.Among the more than 40 books that he authored, at least two are regarded as Christian classics: The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy. His books impress on the reader the possibility and necessity for a deeper relationship with God.Living a simple and non-materialistic lifestyle, he and his wife, Ada Cecelia Pfautz, never owned a car, preferring bus and train travel. Even after becoming a well-known Christian author, Tozer signed away much of his royalties to those who were in need.Tozer had seven children, six boys and one girl. He was buried in Ellet Cemetery, Akron, Ohio, with a simple epitaph marking his grave: “A. W. Tozer – A Man of God.”Prayer was of vital personal importance for Tozer. “His preaching as well as his writings were but extensions of his prayer life,” comments his biographer, James L. Snyder, in the book, In Pursuit of God: The Life Of A.W. Tozer. “He had the ability to make his listeners face themselves in the light of what God was saying to them,” writes Snyder-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: “FULL ALBUM Christian Praise Worship Songs 2013 – A Message of Hope” ➨

A.W. Tozer Sermon - Who is the Holy Spirit? How can we Know Him?

Stephen Harper is a Traitor to Canada: Sold Away Our National Sovereignty at G20

Stephen Harper at a news conference in Toronto at the end of the 2010 G20 summit.Watch the full speech here are the two quotes Harper should be remembered by:” I know some people don’t like it. It is a loss of national sovereignty, but it is simple reality.””As I constantly remind Canadians, there isn’t really a Canadian economy anymore. It is a global economy.”It seems this traitor to Canada had to give up the “Enlightened Sovereignty” speak, we all know what he means now.. he is simply talking about the loss of Canadian Sovereignty!Mr. Harper is officially NOT working for Canadians best interests. Last time we checked, he had no mandate from the Canadian people to sell us out to the highest bidder! Mr. Harper needs to experience first hand what Canadians think about his acts of treason.. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero, in a speech to the Roman Senate 40 BCsource:

Stephen Harper is a Traitor to Canada: Sold Away Our National Sovereignty at G20

Debate: Atheist vs Christian (Richard Dawkins vs Cardinal George Pell)

01:07 Question 1- 01:45 Richard Dawkins- 03:34 George Pell05:22 Question 2- 5:50 Richard Dawkins07:10 Question 4- 7:25 Richard Dawkins- 8:10 George Pell- 9:02 Richard Dawkins- 10:16 George Pell- 11:26 Richard Dawkins13:51 Question 4- 14:28 Richard Dawkins- 15:28 George Pell- 16:33 Richard Dawkins17:57 Question 5- 18:11 George Pell21:00 Question 6- 21:43 Richard Dawkins- 24:29 George Pell- 26:51 Richard Dawkins28:26 Question 7- 28:39 George Pell29:41 Question 8- 29:47 George Pell30:45 Question 9- 30:52 George Pell- 33:44 Richard Dawkins- 35:25 George Pell36:28 Question 10- 36:58 George Pell- 38:29 Richard Dawkins- 39:52 George Pell41:14 Question 11- 41:25 George Pell- 43:31 Richard Dawkins- 44:28 George Pell47:02 Question 12- 47:10 Richard Dawkins- 47:48 George Pell50:05 Question 13- 50:18 Richard Dawkins- 51:33 George Pell54:37 Question 14- 55:00 George Pell57:07 Question 15- 57:33 Richard Dawkins- 58:29 George Pell—————————————————————————————–★★★ DONATE:★★★ SUBSCRIBE:★★★ WEBSITE:★★★ FORUM:★★★ STORE:★ Follow on Twitter:★ Like on Facebook:★ Follow on Google+:—————————————————————————————–Other Playlists:CRAZY SHIT the Bible Says: SHIT the Quran Says: CHRISTIAN Comments: MUSLIM Comments: JEWISH Comments: ATHEIST Comments: AGNOSTIC Comments: MEAT EATER Comments: VEGAN Comments: DEBATES + VIDEOS: DEBATES + VIDEOS:

Debate: Atheist vs Christian (Richard Dawkins vs Cardinal George Pell)

What is the Gospel? - RC Sproul

Tough Questions Christians Face: 2008 West Coast ConferenceSUBSCRIBE: are called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but in our day there is confusion about the content of the Gospel. The biblical Gospel is challenged not only by Roman Catholics and liberals, but by those who claim to be evangelical. In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul will clarify exactly what the Gospel is and what it is not.Christ has redeemed us to be a light that directs others to Him. Fulfilling this call requires us to be able to deal with the most difficult questions asked about the Christian faith. If we are unprepared for the darkness around us, it will be harder to counter it with the truth of God’s Word.In this collection of messages from the 2008 West Coast Conference held in Scottsdale, Ariz., Ligon Duncan, John MacArthur, and R.C. Sproul look at six of the toughest questions Christians face. They focus on the biblical approach to issues including science, the problem of evil, divine sovereignty, human responsibility, the exclusivity of Christ, postmodernism, and the Gospel.

What is the Gospel? - RC Sproul

Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank

Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central BankUFO’s & the NWO Nazi World Order Agenda Guidestones, who’s behind it

Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank

Why would God allow Evil and Suffering?

William Lane Craig answers…We welcome your comments in the Reasonable Faith forums: would God allow Evil and Suffering?

Why would God allow Evil and Suffering?

25 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies you can't deny

If you don’t believe in the Bible or even if you believe and have fallen (LIKE ALL OF US), read these verses and chapters and let God show you he is real and he is here to help us if we just ask him to. Daniel 12:4 (Cars/Planes/Trains & Computer) Matthew 24 (Fig Tree represents Israel and it becoming a Nation which happened in 1948 after over 2000 years of Israels nonexistence) Revelation 11 (Made possible through tv/internet/smartphones etc) isaiah 2:4 (speaking of a Global Order) Daniel 2:44  Global communications. 2Peter 3 ignorant of flood. Psalm 83 – All surrounding nations against Israel. Micah 5 – Bethlehem. Luke 21 Earthquake. Another prophecy is true. How we got the bible. Where it comes from Behind All 50 pre trib reasons debunked: Answer to 1984 is 33ADMusic by Rick Clark –

25 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies you can"t deny

LA Marzulli Watchers and the Cosmic War 2015

L.A. Marzulli discussed his ongoing work on the Watchers and the cosmic battle raging around us. He has been studying the amazing patterns of unfolding prophecies, along with UFOs and aliens. Marzulli believes we’re in a time of stepped up chaos that dovetails with prophecy, and the signs include increased earthquakes, wars, and pending economic collapse. Could the current situation of Russia in Syria, and the tinderbox in the Middle East be leading to the huge war described in the Ezekiel 38 and Isaiah 17 prophecies made thousands of years ago?, Marzulli pondered. Marzulli mused on the supernatural nature of the second coming, which is described in the book of Revelation– “armies of heaven riding on white horses in to the battle of Armageddon.” He also reviewed the evidence for the possible coming of Planet X, an arrival that could be one of the “fearful signs in the heavens” of biblical prophecy.

LA Marzulli Watchers and the Cosmic War 2015

The Future Tribulation (Mark 13:14-23) John MacArthur’s the thirteenth chapter then of the gospel of Mark. As we come to this section before us, we are with our Lord Jesus and the disciples sitting on the Mount of Olives. It is the end of the day on Wednesday of Passion Week. On Friday He will die on the cross. On Sunday He will rise. On Thursday He will prepare for the Passover and celebrate the Passover meal Thursday evening with His disciples. And that’s where the betrayal will occur, that night, and it will all come to fruition on Friday, He will be tried, He will be executed on the cross, as I said, to rise on Sunday. So in a very real sense, this is a very, very important moment for our Lord. His final day of public teaching has been concluded, spent the whole day in the temple. He arrived in Jerusalem on Monday. On Tuesday He went in to attack and assault the temple and threw out the buyers and sellers that were there and prepared that temple for His entrance on Wednesday. Went in and used that full day to teach the truth in that place, first time in hundreds of years the truth had dominated the temple. But for a day He taught His final lessons, His final messages….

The Future Tribulation (Mark 13:14-23) John MacArthur

Dr. Charles Stanley - The Great Tribulation 3/3

Dr. Charles Stanley – The Great Tribulation 3/3

Dr. Charles Stanley - The Great Tribulation 3/3


In less than 4 minutes you will discover what the Bible REALLY says about this confusing and controversial topic. You may find this film useful to minister to people who struggle with this concept. What does the BIBLE say about the Trinity? You will now know the TRUTH!ICHTHUS FILMSCopyright



SUBSCRIBE for more on the ILLUMINATI | NEW WORLD ORDER | ALIENS | DEMONS | FALLEN ANGELS | TRUTH | RIGHTEOUSNESS | FREEDOM | LOVEBe sure to watch all the other videos on this channel! experiments, DNA manipulation, dehumanization of mankind. *This video has been mirrored, it is not my work. I am simply spreading the truth.*Credit for this video goes to: Nephtali1981 Fellowship | http://www.taliforgod.comBe sure to check out his channel!”For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.” – Ephesians 6:12God Bless!EXTRA TAGS:real truth,search for truth,illumination,illuminati,illuminati secrets,mason secrets,freemason secrets,freedom,nwo,new world order,illuminati new world order,fallen angels,angelic beings,nephelim,giants on earth,giant skeletons,hollywood exposed,truth about hollywood,truth about celebrities,illuminati exposed,secrets exposed,hidden knowledge exposed,occult knowledge exposed,music industry exposed,disney exposed,truth about 9 11,demonic possession,demonic attack,truth revealed,forbidden knowledge,antichrist rising,666,mark of the beast,rfid technology,super human race,dna manipulation,brainwash,mind control,monarch programming,project paperclip,mind control slaves,martial law,fema camps,alien deception,alien beings,alien caught on camera,truth about aliens,are aliens real,where to aliens come from,ufo,ufo caught on camera,truth about ufos,flying saucers,alien on film,ufo on film,real history,truth about doctors,truth about aliens,truth about ufos,truth about demons,reptilians,reptilian beings,satanic cults,satan,the devil,Jesus Christ,GOD,Truth about Jesus Christ,Truth about GOD,Salvation,How to be saved,protection from demonic forces,ancient knowledge,selling soul,luciferian,microchip technology,the beast system,fully revealed,saturn,book of enoch,symbols,witchcraft,astral projection,meditation,yoga,new age,secrets exposed,ancient secrets revealed,purpose of life,answers to life,2014,2016,rapture,Christ returns,revelation,apocalypse,end of the world,beginning of the world,law of attraction,law of duality,heaven and hell,angels and demons,illuminati and freemasons,templars,jesuits,zionists,bankers,rothchild,rockefeller,13 bloodlines,13 bloodlines of illuminati,13 satanic bloodlines,kennedy,the aristocrats,ancient egpyt,pyramids,ley lines,crop circles,demonic possession, alien abduction, roswell new mexico, area 51, bohemian grove, hangar 18, mantauk, pine gap, dulce new mexico, underground bases, d.u.m.b., genetic manipulation, biological warfare, chemtrails, gmo, poison, agenda 21, population control, weather modification, haarp, bermuda triangle, ancient pyramids, hybrid animals,


ISRAEL set for -- 7 YR. Agreement, Dome of Rock Removed, 3rd TEMPLE

[*Exclusive] : Imminent End Time Events & chronology ID’d / matches Knesset & J. Post News ~ _______ *TOPICS framed in VIDEO w/ chronology: –nearing 7 Year Agreement, 1-State Solution ready, Israel’s Military super-power status, 1-Day War of Ezek 38 & 39, Dome of Rock to be demolished, 3rd TEMPLE built, Antichrist & Israel current historic negotiations, Antichrist in plain view today, Knesset & J. Post News match & confirm :: [*PM Netanyahu & all 120 members of KNESSET receive this VID & ALL prophetic VIDS/Newsletters from’s global Ministry since NOV 2010] ~ — Dec 16, 2014 / J. Post : “U.N. Envoy says: 1-STATE reality is on the parties’ doorstep” :: *VIDEO narrations by founder Rob Conrad :[Author 6 books, 4 on Bible Prophecies; former Church Pastor& 6 year Assoc Chaplain @ Los Angeles prison Ministry] : *TUNE IN 10AM (et) Sun,Wed,Fri — ‘LIVE’ Broadcasts / End Time Prophecies in NEWS : _______ *VIDEOS at’s PRIME YTube Channel, PatmosIsle : – [Exclusive] :: MASSIVE MUSLIM ATTACK across United States : NOW SET. 100% PROOF Pope Francis is ANTICHRIST :: [White Horse] -POPE Francis Warns “personal relationship w/ Jesus is dangerous” : [*News] POPE FRANCIS calls for MIDEAST PEACE :: (Oct 9, 2015/*News) POPE Francis to LEAD U.N. 1-World GOVT “Launching” : [in Sept 2015]–s- End Time AMERICA : —RED CARPET for ANTICHRIST :: [*Sept 2015] VISION of ANTICHRIST — POPE of ROME POPE Publicly Verifies Global Role as Executioner of Billions : [News/July 2015] POPE calls for WORLD UNITY, Urges “Climate Control is Top MORAL Issue” (April 2015 News) SEPT 2015 : —–SIGNS of Tribulation “start” – POPE & 138 nations Agree SATANIC BOOK is ISRAEL’S Solution -*DIRE Forewarnings: –2nd, 3rd BLOOD MOONS : [Oct ’14 / Apr ’15] -ISRAEL- Gaza conflict “WILL NOT ERUPT” into All-Out Mideast War :: [*July 14, 2014 / prophetic word] -World Events 100% MATCH to Imminent Final Prophecies : [News] – POPE Francis New Controversy — BILLIONS to die. of ROCK to be “REMOVED” for 3rd TEMPLE & Jesus’ Return -VATICAN ‘Mideast Peace’ Meeting: —-*2014 DIVINE FOREWARNING -ANTICHRIST & ISRAEL Talks (June 2014) — Ignite FUSE for Daniel’s 70th week -1st BLOOD Moon (April 2014) — ANTICHRIST (May) -Nearing TRIBULATION & 2nd BLOOD MOON (Oct 2014) PROVE Jesus’ Soon Return -ANTICHRIST ON WORLD STAGE :: [to Israel MAY 2014, Israel at Vatican JUNE / *News] -Israel KNESSET admits “Hidden Deal” ALREADY MADE w/ Vatican [*News] -The terms… ‘Antichrist & False Prophet’ …profile 1-and-SAME-MAN -RUSSIA Military & Warships poised to attack Israel : [News] – INT’L Plan for VATICAN-controlled Temple Mount : [News] – The Day the Lord showed me ANTICHRIST —- – ISRAEL to give POPE “Custody” of Temple Mount : [News] – 3rd Jerusalem TEMPLE ready to be BUILT :: [News/Nov 2013] – Israel’s KNESSET shown ANTICHRIST’s ID —- – Prophetic word to PM Netanyahu & Knesset – End Time America : —2013, 2014 FOREWARNINGS ISRAEL’s Major Discoveries PROVE JESUS’ NEAR RETURN – Bible PROOF 1.5 BIL MUSLIMS To Die :: [Red Horse]- FALSE PROPHET of Revelation — 1 & SAME as ANTICHRIST – “Abomination of Desolation” — Rehearsals in Synagogues [News/photos]- ANTICHRIST Photo ID’d — in Jewish Temple, seated [News/photos] – ISRAEL “Dissolving” Muslim DOME of Rock — [News/photos] Sir Isaac Newton ID’d ANTICHRIST _______ “When you see all these things, KNOW He is near, even right at the door.” :: [Jesus/Matt 24:33] “Be on guard…. lest that day (of the Lord) come upon you suddenly like a trap…” :: [Jesus/Luke 21:34] ::::..

ISRAEL set for -- 7 YR. Agreement, Dome of Rock Removed, 3rd TEMPLE

Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception

Alex talks with Pastor Steven Anderson in-studio today. He is featured in the film, After The Tribulation, available at the Infowars Store. Mr. Anderson was viciously tasered and assaulted by Border Patrol agents a couple years back for protesting at a Constitution free-zone checkpoint.[After The Tribulation] Price $19.95NEW ITEM**[ProOne Water & Fluoride Filter] The ProOne filter by ProPur is a huge breakthrough in water filter technology ITEM**[Divide And Conquer Skate Deck] Price:$49.95[STAND UP FOR YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT WITH THIS POWERFUL T-SHIRT][New Shirt]Your Price $19.95[INFOWARS THE MAGAZINE – FEBRUARY ISSUE YOUR COPY TODAY AND SPREAD THE TRUTH!![FIGHT FLUORIDE with “Clearly Filtered” – NEW ITEM[Strategic Relocation Documentary Film Featuring Joel Skousen]…Sale Price $19.95[COLD & FLU IMMUNE SUPPORT PACK]The Cold & Flu Immune Support Pack from EnerHealth Botanicals is a great selection of herbal tinctures to help maintain and support your body during cold & flu season. Price $99.95Your Savings $10.00Your Price $89.95**[START GETTING HEALTHY NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE]

Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation

Next are two short excerpts from a recently filmed TED presentation (Feb 2010) by none other than Bill “Microsoft” Gates.At the heart of Gates’ address lies the central Global Warming dogma, which dictates that Co2 emitted by human beings are the primary culprit for the unwanted heating of the globe. Since this artificial alleged human-induced heating effect allegedly stands to devastate the planet if left unabated, Global Warming dogma proponents therefore argue that human Co2 emissions must be drastically reduced. As Gates casually addresses the issue, he goes on to state that one way to accomplish this goal is to reduce the global human population. ERRATUM: To be completely fair and accurate, I should have stated that Gates seeks to reduce the anticipated growth of the human population rather than that he seeks to reduce the current population. I admit that the latter slogan, that is contained in the video, is a bit misleading and I do not want to insinuate that Gates seeks to kill off currently living people. He rather seeks to lower the projected population growth.He postulates the central equation, giving an estimation of the humanly emitted C02 load per year, to be:Co2 = P times S times E times CWhere P stands for the population number, S the average number of services per person, E the average amount of energy units per service, and C the average Co2 emitted load per unit of service, per year; Co2 stands for the projected total humanly emitted carbon-dioxide load by the entire population per year.In the first clip you will hear him state in plain language that he considers VACCINES to be desirable to bring down the future population number P and so reduce Co2. You will also casually hear him promoting HEALTH CARE and REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES, to accomplish that same C02 reducing goal.Here are Bill Gates’ verbatim words [square parentheses additions for clarification purposes are mine though]:”The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [number of 9 billion] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. But there we see an increase of about 1.3 [billion].”Let’s focus on the vaccines. Gates is stating that he considers vaccines to be useful in contributing to bring the projected population growth of 2.2 billion down to 1.3 billion, roughly one billion. What kind of properties can thus reasonably be deduced that vaccines are to have according to Gates? Well, basically all the properties that impede people to either have children, or successfully rear them. In other words, Gates implicitly advocates the definition of his favorite kind of vaccine to be one that fosters infertility, sterility and (early onset) senility (autism) alike. Note that Gates does not mention a word on the much touted purported intention of vaccines: to offer protection against relevant diseases and therefore as such, precisely prolong life. Given the abundance of toxins in vaccines (see my blog for some links of simply Google “toxin ingredient vaccine”), the position that vaccines contribute to decrease mortality rates, is kind of hard to maintain.So Gates proves to be quite the humanitarian there huh? In the second excerpt you hear Gates explain what he considers to be the single most important thing that he would choose to see become a reality in the future time span of 50 years. He again confirms his “love” for the vaccine.Download Video: Gates on energy: Innovating to zero!

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation

CNN Founder Ted Turner Supports Population Reduction To 2 Billion Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. We are made up of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity. By asking the hard questions the mainstream media refuses to ask, we shine a little more light on truth. Furthermore, we seek to connect, educate, and motivate those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Our goal is to create a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action. We Are Change is not so much an individual or group, but an idea, an idea that “We the People” are the change we wish to see in this world. Together, as residents of this planet, we can push back against those who wish to dominate our lives and begin to restore liberty to all.follow Luke @ for updates and notifications for new videos and when a live video stream goes LIVE.

CNN Founder Ted Turner Supports Population Reduction To 2 Billion

Who is a Moderate Muslim?

There are Islamists and there are moderate Muslims. In our public parlance, the latter are the “good” and “reasonable” Muslims. But in a world of 1.5 billion Muslims, the division between Islamists and moderate Muslims leaves many nuances invisible. If the vast majority of Muslims fall into the moderate camp, then there must be many shades of moderation to be discerned. Who is a modern, moderate Muslim?

Who is a Moderate Muslim?