Thursday, January 7, 2016

North American Union, Law of the Sea Treaty and Other Threats

Howard Phillips interviews Heritage Foundation Legislative Director Brian Darling on the Conservative Roundtable television show. Mr. Darling explains the threats that the North American Union and UN’s Law of the Sea Treaty present to our national sovereignty and freedom.Links to informative news articles by The New American magazine exposing NAFTA, FTAA and NAU:Global Tyranny … Bloc by BlocThe construction of a world super-state is progressing one chunk at a time with NAFTA set to become the “European Union” of the Western Hemisphere. Mergers on the Road to the Global Total State the North American UnionThe plans for a North American Security and Prosperity Partnership are steps on the way to a North American Union. at the End GameThe proposed North American Union is a major building bloc in a plan to merge the entire world into a UN-supervised, centrally planned economy. US Independent! Through! The NAFTA Super Highway States of North America Moves Closer After Trilateral Summit Defense Department Announces Step Toward the NAU Boss Panetta Touts “North America” After Canada Meetings Confirms North American Integration Scheme Exposes North American Integration Plot & Canada Agree to Common “Perimeter” New North American ID Card Amero for Your Thoughts vs. Fact: Is a Merger of Nations Really Taking Place? American Union Would Trump U.S. Supreme Court Step Toward North American Union? Next Step Toward the North American Union Across the Pond Two-Step Hemispheric Security PuzzleInvoking the fear of terrorism, the Power Elite is moving to build a “security perimeter” encompassing the entire Western Hemisphere. Moves Forward Under Different Name Trouble With Our Trade TreatiesAn alphabet soup of trade treaties — NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO, and GATS — threaten America’s jobs and entrepreneurs while encouraging a flood of illegal migration. WTO Trap Toll on U.S. Business & Industry America’s Livelihood North American Union InvasionDespite the great harm that Americans face from rampant illegal immigration — crime, terrorism, economic devastation — our political and business elitists push for more amnesties. Forced To Accept Aliens Border War and Amalgamation Mat for TerroristsWith Marxist regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Haiti, and Communist movements in other Latin American countries, the FTAA poses an enormous security nightmare. UN Pedigree, Under UN PowerExamining the FTAA’s Tripartite Committee and following the money trail back to the United Nations exposes the UN’s behind-the-scenes control. NAFTA/FTAA Rogues’ GalleryA behind-the-scenes look at some of the key globalist architects and apparatchiks responsible for launching and promoting NAFTA, FTAA and other “free trade” traps.’ Gallery: False Opposition FTAA’s Controlled Opposition “New European Soviet”The European Union is rapidly descending into totalitarianism. Under NAFTA and the proposed FTAA, U.S. policymakers have adopted the same socialist EU program. Deception: Wider & Deeper’ Gallery of EU Founders Internationalist PrimerFor many decades the Council on Foreign Relations has been the reservoir of this nation’s globalist “wise men” and their new world order schemes. UN Is NOT Your FriendBehind the mask of peace, brotherhood, and universal understanding, the United Nations promotes terror and tyranny in order to achieve its real objective: world government.”The Nation-State Is Finished” Government by Design

North American Union, Law of the Sea Treaty and Other Threats

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