Tuesday, January 19, 2016

TRUNEWS VIDEO: AG Loretta Lynch to Prosecute 'Anti-Muslim Speech'

WWW.TRUNEWS.COMAttorney-General Loretta Lynch To Prosecute ‘Anti-Muslim Speech’TRUNEWS anchor Kelly Sloan files this report on comments that US Attorney-General Loretta Lynch made at a recent Muslim Advocates meeting, saying that in addition to prosecuting violent actions, she fully intend to go after those that speak ‘anti-muslim rhetoric’. In the comments, she boasts about the number of actions already taken by the Obama Administration.See AG Lynch attempt to dial back her comments at a later event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4-szKATbN4

TRUNEWS VIDEO: AG Loretta Lynch to Prosecute "Anti-Muslim Speech"

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