Wednesday, January 20, 2016

IHOP/International Satanic House of Kundalini Awakening EXPOSED/False Spirits Invade The Church

In this edition of False Teachers Exposed I give my Vigilant Warning against IHOP (The International House of Prayer). What is taking place there is a satanic spiritual deception where the kundalini awakening is being passed of as a “new Move of The Spirit”. BE VIGILANT BELOVED AND TEST THE SPIRITS! The new age and its deceptive practices are creeping in! Please be a faithful watchman and help warn others by liking and sharing this video. God Bless, STAY VIGILANT & FEAR NO EVIL !!!SUBSCRIBE TO TVC YouTube Channels:TVC Biblical Studies Channel Please Subscribe and Join us! Godly Bros Backup Channel Healthy Living – and like us on Facebook @ Follow on Twitter – If you feel led to support this ministry and help equip us with materials for future projects you can make a donation here:

IHOP/International Satanic House of Kundalini Awakening EXPOSED/False Spirits Invade The Church

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