Wednesday, January 13, 2016

America and Britain in Prophecy - The Trumpet Daily

Could the Bible ignore the world’s greatest superpower—or the most dominant empire in history?Listen to the Trumpet Daily each day at 7:00 am (CST) on the literature offered in today’s program:, order by mail: http://www.theTrumpet.comSubscribe to our channel: with Stephen Flurry: do you find the U.S. and British peoples mentioned in Bible prophecy? One-third of the Bible is prophecy—and 90 percent of it is for today! So would the Bible simply ignore the greatest superpower this world has ever seen? And is the greatest, most dominant empire in the history of this world somehow missing from the pages of the Bible?Understanding the biblical identity of America and Britain is the master key that unlocks the door to all of Bible prophecy! Many people, even in the Christian world, ignore this great truth. Today’s Trumpet Daily digs into the pages of the Bible to identify America and Britain in prophecy.

America and Britain in Prophecy - The Trumpet Daily

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