Monday, January 25, 2016

Kent Hovind Responds To Pat Robertson's Statement That Young Earth Creationism Is "A Joke"

Creation Science Evangelist Kent Hovind responds to Pat Robertson’s statements about a 6,000 year old earth being “a joke.” (more below). Kent thinks Pat Robertson has done a lot of good in the world and that he is heaven bound, but, he is just flat out wrong on this. Are you saying Jesus was “lying” or was “stupid” when he said this in (Mark 10:6): “But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Or how about (Matthew 19:4) when Jesus said, “And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,” Jesus said the creation of Adam WAS THE BEGINNING. Are you accusing Jesus of lying or being stupid? Man brought death into the world (creation), death didn’t bring man into the world (evolution). See the link to contact Pat Robertson below and email/mail him Kent’s videos so he can know the truth. Help us flood CBN, 700 Club, and Pat Robertson with Kent’s teaching materials so they can know the truth. They are very influential and have a very large audience. Hovind Seminar – The Real Age Of The Earth Kent Hovind Update Websitehttp://www.freekenthovind.comKent Hovind’s Trusted Friend Ernie Believes They Are Trying To KILL Him – Urgent Warning Of Free Kent Hovind Seminars/Debates – Feel Free To Make DVDs & Hand Them Out For Free Everywhere! (Please Just Don’t Sell Them Though) Jones Interviews Persecuted Creationist Kent Hovind & Mark Adams On Infowars A Powerful Letter Of Support From The Baptist Fellowship To Kent Hovind – WOW (2015) Thousands Of Testimonies Pour In From Around The World For Persecuted Pastor Kent Hovind!! Wow! 20 Shocking Things That Have Happened In the Kent Hovind IRS Targeting & Persecution Case Since 2004 (spread this everywhere!) Trey Covers Kent Hovind’s Persecution Beginning To Present (4-27-15) – Please Share This Everywhere! Imprisonment of Kent Hovind & Other Christians in America | #FreeKent Hovind vs IRS Structuring | Why Kent Hovind is in Prison (3-22-15) Science Evangelist Kent Hovind Provides A Summary Of His Entire Case (5-14-15) Hansen Told The World The REAL REASON Kent Hovind Is Imprisoned & They May Try To Kill Him Message From Kent Hovind – Goverment Sends “Cyber Bomb” Computer Attacks Against Supporters Creationist Science Evangelist Wonders Why He’s Been Targeted So Viciously For So Many Years – “Why do the righteous suffer?” Of More Than A Hundred Creation Ministries & Organizations Across The Country Hovind’s Old Prison Blog and Writings Media (Get Involved To Help Free Kent Hovind) A Few Of Dr.Kent Hovind’s Soon To Be Published Thirty-Seven Books Written While In Captivity:’s Converts Website – Write & Encourage New Christians Kent Has Led To The Lord (Kent has led almost 800 inmates to the Lord Now) Contact Your Congress Representative Or Senator At This Link And Demand They Look Into This IRS Targeting/Corruption Case & Christian Persecution Of An Innocent Man Dr. Kent Hovind & Help Assist In Getting Him Released Now That All Charges Have Been Dropped!

Kent Hovind Responds To Pat Robertson"s Statement That Young Earth Creationism Is "A Joke"

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