Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Where Do Democratic Candidates Stand On Gun Control?

What Do Republicans Believe About Gun Control? Subscribe! it comes to gun control, Democratic candidates share similar views but they have very different solutions. So where do they stand?Learn More:Bernie Sanders’ critics misfire: The Vermont senator’s gun record is better than it looks”Earlier this week, The Nation announced that Bernie Sanders was not as progressive on gun control as Hillary Clinton, suggesting that Sanders’s mixed record on gun control bills during his 25-year congressional career could give Clinton an edge with primary voters-especially after the mass shooting at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College.”Hillary Clinton Calls On Gun Owners To ‘Take Back’ Second Amendment From The NRA”While promoting her new proposals to limit the availability of firearms, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suggested at a town hall in New Hampshire Monday that “responsible gun owners” should join together to create an alternative to the National Rifle Association.”Preventing and Reducing Gun Violence”As a nation, it is time for sensible gun safety laws that save lives.”Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: “Evolving Elements”Subscribe to TestTube News! News is committed to answering the smart, inquisitive questions we have about life, society, politics and anything else happening in the news. It’s a place where curiosity rules and together we’ll get a clearer understanding of this crazy world we live in.Watch more TestTube: now has a newsletter! Get a weekly round-up of our most popular videos across all the shows we make here at TestTube. For more info and to sign-up, click here. now! TestTube on Twitter Trace Dominguez on Twitter on Facebook on Google+ the New TestTube iOS app!

Where Do Democratic Candidates Stand On Gun Control?

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