Monday, January 4, 2016

Hovind Express 6 - Empirical evidence for Young Earth Creationism

This is an edited down version of Kent Hovind’s 2007 seminar video part 7a called Questions & Answers. Original videos here: purpose of this edit is to focus only on the empirically scientific observations Hovind teaches that supports the Bible. When people ask me for evidence for my beliefs, this is the evidence that helped convince me. In my years of debating Darwinists, nobody has been able to refute this kind of information (especially not *all* of it).Points covered:113. Distant starlight114. There are only enough visible super novas to account for several thousand years. 1:06115. There are way too many stars to have been created in only 20 billion years. 2:45116. Gases can’t condense into solids to form stars. 3:18117. Red shift doesn’t prove distance. 7:06118. Trigonometry can’t measure distances that far away. 8:20119. Speed of light is not a constant. 14:45120. Speed of light has been decaying over time. 16:28121. Distance to stars doesn’t prove age. 20:08122. Red shift suggests the universe is expanding. 21:04123. Quasars refute Big Bang beliefs. 23:01124. Shrinking sun can’t be billions of years old. 28:29125. Radiometric dating is based on many assumptions. 32:29126. No carbon14 should be found in anything “millions of years old”. 39:05127. Radiocarbon is forming faster than it is decaying. Earth should have reached equilibrium long ago. 41:20128. Actual results from carbon dating always produce very erratic dates. 46:16129. Published dates are always cherry-picked based on original expectations. 46:49130. Dating errors and fraud of human remains refute “ape-men”. 49:00131. Same samples produce multiple dating results. 50:57132. Amount of helium in atmosphere only accounts for a young Earth. 54:40133. Radiometric “decay” always goes down the periodic table, never up. 55:55134. Human skull was found under the KBS tuff. 57:28135. Recent lava flows produce dating results in “millions of years”. 1:01:12136. Dinosaur fossils have been found with soft tissue still in tact or still not fossilized. 1:02:52137. Ancient civilizations all arose out of nowhere. 1:05:57138. “Out of place” artifacts prove ancient civilizations were very advanced and rocks not millions of years old. 1:06:37139. Radio polonium halos prove the Earth was instantly created. 1:17:09140. Melted granite turns into rhyolite. Where did granite come from? 1:19:22141. Zircons “had contact with large quantities of water.” 1:19:51And Darwinists claim there’s no evidence Young Earth Creationism!In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.The KJV Bible is the Inspired, Inerrant Word of God in English.Jesus IS Lord!

Hovind Express 6 - Empirical evidence for Young Earth Creationism

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