Monday, January 4, 2016

Archaeological Evidence that Proves the Bible is True

Archaeological Evidence that Proves the Bible is True(You can translate the captions into your own language)This video is a recording of a presentation given by Dr. Don Patton, originally entitled “Stones of Israel.” In this presentation Dr. Patton provides historical and archaeological evidence that proves the passages of the Bible. This video erodes any ideas that the Bible is a book of fairy-tales.Introduction: 0:44Altar of Joshua (Deuteronomy 27:4): 4:25Gilgal Campsite of the Israelites (Joshua 4;19): 13:20City of Jericho (Joshua 6:4, 5; Joshua 2;15): 16:18Story Prophet Balaam at Tel Deir’Alla, Jordan (Numbers 22:2, 5): 22:00Ark of the Covenant and Tabernacle site at Shiloh (Joshua 18:1): 25:22Fortified Gates of Solomon (1 Kings 9;15): 29:20Oldest Hebrew Texts going back 400 years older than the dead sea scrolls (Jeremiah 17:1): 30:27Jeroboam’s Altar at Tel Dan and An Inscription proving the House of David existed (1 Kings 12;25-33): 34:42The City of David (2 Samuel 5:6-11): 38:53Seal verifying existence of Azariah (1 Chronicles 9;11) Seals verifying existence of Gemariah and Baruch (Jeremiah 36;10). Seal of Jerahmeel (Jeremiah 36;26). Fifty-one of these seals were found and verifies the existence of 26 people mentioned in the Bible!: 49:00Water Shaft of the City of Zion (2 Samuel 5:8), Solomon’s Coronation at Gihon (1 Kings 1;33): 52:07Tower of Siloam (Luke 13:4): 59:28Wall of Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 32:2, 5; Nehemiah 2;17): 1:00:34Tombs of the House of David (1 Kings 2;10): 1:02:11Walls Surrounding Herod’s Temple and Robinson’s Arch: 1:03:04Stairs Down to the Pool (Nehemiah 3;15) and the Gate Beautiful (Acts 3:2): 1:05:20Pool of Siloam (John 9:7; Isaiah 22:9; Nehemiah 3;15): 1:07:00King David’s Palace (2 Samuel 5;11): 1:12:43Summary of all the Archaeological discoveries discussed here: 1:16:49Former Atheist Dr. Adam Zertal Finds Joshua’s Altar and Proof For The Exodus: Don Patton’s Site: That the Bible Is True!!!!: Experiences and Miracles: and The Bible: Technology Which the Bible Predicted Would Be Invented!!: God Exist? Did Science Just Discovered God?: The God of The Bible The True Creator of the Universe? The Truth Will Shock You!: to Become a Christian?: the Bible in 24 Hours with Chuck Missler: King James Bibles: Download of the King James Bible in PDF or Ebook format: Website: Channel:

Archaeological Evidence that Proves the Bible is True

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