Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Transhumanism Part 1/Mark of the Beast:The Ultimate Agenda

Link to Part 2: to Part 3: videos you might like: The Worst…All Videos,Documentaries,Music at:

Transhumanism Part 1/Mark of the Beast:The Ultimate Agenda

The Scary TRUTH About Transhumanism (Transhumanism Genetic Manipulation Exposed Full Documentary)

Make No Mistake!I Will Not Compromise.I Will Not Comply.I Will Not Submit.I Will Not Break.I Will Not Roll Over.I Will Not Sit Down.I Will Not Shut Up.I Will Not Go Quietly.I Will Not Give Up.I Will Not Surrender!I Will Stand For Truth.I Will Protect The Innocent.I Will Sacrifice So That Others May Live Free.I Will Defend My Family To The Death.I Love Peace, But I Am A Fierce Enemy.I Will Fight For ChristI Will Die For ChristI Live By A Special CodeI AM A SoulJa Of GOD!!Whos With Me? Jesus Christ is the only truth, in this world of lies.Find him today, your not promised tomorrow.Subscribe for upcoming videos. ~SoulJa Of GOD

The Scary TRUTH About Transhumanism (Transhumanism Genetic Manipulation Exposed Full Documentary)

U.S. Allegedly Strikes ISIS In Syria, What's The Real Agenda? - Episode 474

Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.comMore news visit http://thepeoplesnewz.comReport date: 9.23.2014Eurozone business activity continues to decline. China will not support the sanctions against Russia. Immigration supported by corporations and not the American people. The global emergency notification system will be ready by the end of 2014. Scotland wants a new referendum vote. CDC creates new computer model to scare the public that ebola is spreading. Central bankers trying to remove Russia ability to veto. Yemen has overthrown the government. U.S. strikes Syria without the permission of Syria. Many of the strikes were not against ISIS. The agenda is the same remove Assad. Syria is reporting another false flag chemical attack.All source links to the report can be found on the site.Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.The X22 Report is “one man’s opinion”. Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.

U.S. Allegedly Strikes ISIS In Syria, What"s The Real Agenda? - Episode 474

Was Jesus Polite to False Teachers? (Matthew 23) John MacArthur … Many Christians today are greatly concerned about the rising influences of communism, humanism, secularism, and social injustice. Yet those evils, great as they are, do not together pose the threat to Christianity that false shepherds and pastors do. Throughout the history of redemption, the greatest threat to God’s truth and God’s work has been false prophets and teachers, because they propose to speak in His name. That is why the Lord’s most scathing denunciations were reserved for the false teachers of Israel, who claimed to speak and act for God but were liars.Yet for some reason, evangelical Christianity is often hesitant to confront false teachers with the seriousness and severity that Jesus and the apostles did, and that the godly prophets before them had done. Today, more than at any time in modern history and perhaps more than at any time in the history of the church, pagan religions and cults are seriously encroaching on societies that for centuries have been nominally Christian. Even within the church, many ideas, teachings, and philosophies that are little more than thinly veiled paganism have become popular and influential. As in ancient Israel, the further God’s people move away from the foundation of His Word, the more false religion flourishes in the world and even in their own midst. At no time have Christians had greater need to be discerning. They need to recognize and respect true godly shepherds who feed them God’s Word and build them up in the faith, and they also must recognize and denounce those who twist and undermine God’s Word…

Was Jesus Polite to False Teachers? (Matthew 23) John MacArthur

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Why doesn't God stop rape or those who hurt the innocent?

Exciting answers by Ravi Zacharias. He answers on the spot questions in a Q&A session at Arizona State University (Apologetics). Extract taken from DVD series “Yes, Your Question?”

Why doesn"t God stop rape or those who hurt the innocent?


Since 2009 we have been seeing biblical prophecy unfold and the events foretold in the bible coming to life , and then in 2012 the End Time Signs really kicked in overdrive , and every year and everyday since then the events have got worse and worseI am also now working on a video that will recap everything, I have been getting alot of people ask me when am I going to upload a really long 3 or 4 hour video again ? well I am working on it now but just wanted to remind you all when all this started and how worse things have got since then. . for the ones saying this has always been going on, Go crawl back under your rock because i have been on this earth 37 years..and i can tell you this all started in 2009 funny when Obama got in the white house, ., and really kicked in overdrive in 2012 when he was voted in a second term, mmmmmmmmhh…. More videos coming very soon… Keep watching brothers and sisters we are becoming so close now to the return of our lord & Savior Jesus Christ. He Is Coming .


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

TERRIFYING FUTURE for HUMANITY 2015 & Beyond - RFID Chips, Transhumanism, AI and NWO

I NEED YOUR HELP – Please Support Us via Patreon to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest Updates – FUTURE for HUMANITY 2015 & Beyond – RFID Chips, Transhumanism, AI and NWOThe need for humans to participate in armed conflicts could soon be over. The next generation of military hardware might be able to think and act for itself. hardware will soon consist of “autonomous robots that know neither pity nor fear” — quite a step up from the current generation of UAVs and drones operated by humans from the safety of bases hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away.A report by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology hails the era of “technologies that emphasize listening to everything, all the time,” ubiquitous surveillance aided by microphones installed on new smartphones, such as Google’s Moto X, that do not run off the main battery and can, “continually monitor their auditory environment to detect the phone owner’s voice, discern what room or other setting the phone is in, or pick up other clues from background noise.” chappie movie While the article fails to mention the nightmare privacy implications that this technology would engender, it focuses on the innumerable apparent benefits. The technology could, “make it possible for software to detect your moods, know when you are talking and not to disturb you, and perhaps someday keep a running record of everything you hear.”It sounds like Big Brother and invasive Minority Report-style advertising rolled into one. anonymous coast to coast am Chris Schmandt, director of the speech and mobility group at MIT’s Media Lab, relates how “one of his grad students once recorded two years’ worth of all the sounds he was exposed to—capturing every conversation. While the speech-to-text conversions were rough, they were good enough that he could perform a keyword search and recover the actual recording of a months-old conversation.” daboo7 daboo77 Mark Dice predicting RFID implanted in Americans in 2017 or are they the mouth piece for the beast? If you take the RFID Microchip they can TRACK your every move, Control your MONEY, Control your FOOD and possible even you if you don’t obeyA number of states like Virginia, have passed “stop the mark of the beast legislation” in an effort to stop this.The bill would allow voluntary microchip implants, as long as they’re performed by a physician and regulated by the Georgia Composite Medical Board.Remember, they do things over time to condition the population into think this is normal. Please understand, you are just a number to the government. A RFID Chip is the governments means to control you for the rest of your life. future u.s. “united states” usa world humanity 2014 prediction dollar usd currency forex amazon change economy obamacare healthcare wealth poverty situation trust global power “new world order” america international tech technology rfid “rfic chip” biometrics superpower authentication sci-fi google bitcoin litecoin “accept bitcoin” “forex trading” 2013 2015 peace “agenda nwo” fda ce facial recognition fbi LRAD mrad swatt team police alex jones infowars david icke lindsey williams farrakhan gerald celente electronic tattoo rfid chip mc10 storm cops police glenn beck the blaze haunting one world trade center sound noise whistle litecoin mining rig dji phantom 2 vision plus autonomous flight ipad ground station trust fellow citizens blood moons nwo speech peace crisis missing maldives history historic strange noise haunting hurricane sandy false flag attack electronic tattoo mc10 authentication iphone 5s iphone 6 review unboxing” In the massive US HEALTHCARE BILL, which your elected representatives voted for without reading, there is a section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 — National Medical Device Registry which states:As the microchip implant moves closer day by day, along with the “manufactured crisis” of illegal immigration, the problems of states like Arizona are creating an environment where Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are moving legislation forward that would require all U.S. workers, citizens and resident alike, to obtain and carry a National Biometric ID Card in order to work within the United States. It does not matter where you stand on the issue of amnesty or immigration, everyone is going to have to have a National Biometric ID Card that will eventually contain an RFID transmitter which will allow Big Brother electronic data bases to track all of your personal information. It is a simply a national ID card under another name. The national ID card will transition into a microchip implant, because that is technically more efficient. matrix pill Imagine a world in which you can buy anything in secret. No banks. No fees. No worries inflation will make today’s money worth less tomorrow.

TERRIFYING FUTURE for HUMANITY 2015 & Beyond - RFID Chips, Transhumanism, AI and NWO